Twinkle Toes is a narrative I wrote a few months back. It's a, rather complex story about an odd, interesting girl who ends up being trapped in a world within a diamond, due to the betrayal of someone who trusted her...

First double page spread of the book, here she puts on her shoes, and heads into the forest.

Second DPS - as a consequence of her own actions, horrid toes grow out of the back of her head and transport her further into the diamond as she sleeps. The second page shows her waking up in the diamond world.....
...and that's why diamonds sparkle ladies and gents... because there are hundreds of tiny lanterns floating about and lamp-posts dazzling... The better you behave, the less cloudy and more sparkly your diamond shall be...
This is a poetic, dark tale, and these are only tasters of the whole story...
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