Sunday, 19 December 2010

Coco|A|Carté Jewellery

Persona of a Gem in my Life

Mr Wilde came to Mind

Experimenting with my Uni work here - One of the many clever clog, Mr. Oscar Wilde quotes came to mind too...

Saturday, 11 December 2010


|Mococo| is the Modern-Rococo. Through a passion to drive the |Old into the New| I deeply
explored, 'The Bizarre Imagination' that is the style, 'Rococo' and progressed to create an outcome that expressed an Innovative twist on the famous 18th century style.

A few drawings before the final
My final design for this term! Very pleased with the outcome!

Made a snazzy wallpaper too!

Found a new love for furniture charity shops and getting creative!
Ta da!
Jammin' like a Jammy Dodger

Monday, 15 November 2010


The Logo for the little bit o' work on the side!

Monday, 8 November 2010

The Beginnings of Coco|A|Carté Jewellery Range

Back in the Room! - Time for some more Posts!
Now, it was my Sister's |Alice In Wonderland| Birthday the other day and instead of just buying her a gift I thought I'd set out to make her a Necklace - Kept to Theme!
Here was the end result - She was a very happy 'white' bunny...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Bumting Bunting!

So, we've just been set an interesting summer task to do from Uni - choose our own theme and crack on with the research! After a long time of thinking (aka cups of tea, movies and ice cream) I have chosen Decoration! A LOT can be covered in this theme so it makes my life easier...
At the moment I am sewing 'Miniture Bunting' together to sell at the local Arts & Crafts fair in a few weeks time. My stall is going to be Bunting themed and I'm cracking on with paintings in the Tree House to sell as well! Busy bee, mee. I'm hoping to have 'light chit chat' with the buyers (hopefully there will be some!) and ask them rather casually "Yes this will look lovely over a fire place or a dresser, where do you suppose you'll put your painting/bunting up?" So then I can record their answers in my Visual Research Journal to get '1ups' at the final marking! Ticks all round, because we all know, the lecturers love that sort of business!
Enough rambling from me for now, Bunting, i'm ready for my close up...

Monday, 12 July 2010

Retro Summer

Carts has a sweet little set up for her summer work! Got a vintage school desk to work on which is laaaaverly. Got a few projects up my sleeve at the moment, so just getting started on that! Snaps soon.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

The Innards of the Theatre

I must say, a lot of my passion goes towards the theatre, and I do hope that ol' Carts here will end up in Set Design eventually. So this project we were set, it was splendidly open for tonnes of ideas that I fancied, so I saw my chance to shine in my love for the theatre.
I spent a few days in London and got a dishy backstage tour around a few sets, and then it struck me, just how much work really does go into a play. I was in my element. I got back down to Plymouth and got started on the wonderful project.
So, what I wanted to portray to you lovely lot, was that whilst your sitting in your comfy red velvet seats ready with your tiny binoculars pointing at the stage - There is SO much going on behind that beautiful draping curtain that really is, The Innards of the Theatre.

A sketchbook later... and here we have a 3D piece. I wanted an interactive piece so that from a far the audience would notice the dress and the theatrical masks but as they came closer and had a peak in her corset, to their surprise, would find a world of ladders, rooms and lights, oh yes, all caged in by the lovely ribs she has of course.
I'd been really adventurous with this one, and thought I needed a 2D image as well, just to show that if it went into production I could have it as an image too.

... and Viola, The Innards of the Theatre.

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle Toes is a narrative I wrote a few months back. It's a, rather complex story about an odd, interesting girl who ends up being trapped in a world within a diamond, due to the betrayal of someone who trusted her...

First double page spread of the book, here she puts on her shoes, and heads into the forest.
Second DPS - as a consequence of her own actions, horrid toes grow out of the back of her head and transport her further into the diamond as she sleeps. The second page shows her waking up in the diamond world.....
...and that's why diamonds sparkle ladies and gents... because there are hundreds of tiny lanterns floating about and lamp-posts dazzling... The better you behave, the less cloudy and more sparkly your diamond shall be...

This is a poetic, dark tale, and these are only tasters of the whole story...

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Tree Genies

Now, can't REALLY express how I got to this crazy trio - I guess just a mixture of me going mad, and enjoying drawing faces from the barks of trees! Any further info on this one that you just NEED to know, I'll have a sit down, with a cup'a and then we can talk tree genies - if not, sit back and enjoy the colours of the willow, birch and maple!

A [Vintage] Beaut!

I wanted an artistic centre piece in the barn, that would not only look good but could be practical within the living space too. So I focused on the stairs - and if I can say so myself, I was loving the attention to detail! Oh but woah nelly, it didn't come easy, many a night was spent on this beaut - but you know what? I loved every minute, Model Making is very rewarding!