Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Coco|A|Carté |Man Band|

Had to get the men involved too (some were feeling left out haha)
So here is my first |Man Band|
Got the Festival vibe? £5 my lovelies
x peace and razzle dazzle x

Monday, 8 August 2011

The Making of the Mococo Playsuit

These were a few photos I took during the making of the Playsuit! It was all guess work, so it took a lot of, measuring, putting it on, tapering it, getting it off, sewing it, putting it on etc etc.
To my surprise the chest piece was harder compared to the shorts, but then again, I wanted it tailored to my curves so that was the tricky bit, and the zip!!
There are few bits on it which aren't quite right but hey, that's to learn for next time! :) Overall I'm really pleased with the result!
x Peace and Razzle Dazzle! x

Sunday, 7 August 2011

|Mococo| Playsuit

It has taken me forever to make this Playsuit, as I didn't go by templates and made it all up. However, I now have templates for shorts which will fit me perfectly.
Have no dime? Grab yourself a curtain and make yourself some clothes!
I got this Rococo styled curtain months ago and put it to good use!
Inspired by my earlier Rococo work, I give you:
The 'Mococo Playsuit' by Coco|A|Carté
x peace, love, and all that razz x

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Coco|A|Carté Jewellery

My second order is for my lovely Rach, you can catch her Quirky, Victorian-esc, Unique work at
Please do contact me on if you would like your own custom made headband! £5 + Postage
x Peace x

A few more on, 'Art'

Working on the Set for, 'Art'.
Who says you can't look like Picasso doing sets...

Friday, 5 August 2011

Work in Progress - Sweeney Todd Set

For the Set of Sweeney Todd back in March, the budget was awful...£50 for a whole set (?!)...So I spent most of the months I was meant to be designing, actually trying to find a set. I was pleased with the designs I managed to pull out of the bag in the end, but it wasn't how I wanted it. I have been working on the design I actually wanted below:
(It still needs adding to, colouring, lighting and more costume designs)

Coco|A|Carté Jewellery

My wonderful Meggie bought one of my first
Coco|A|Carté Headbands.
She is a super talented little lady, and you can check her beautiful work out here:

Looks Tip Top Miss Wood!
If you would like one for £5, please do get in touch! :D
x peace x

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Loved making more headbands today <3
More to come!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


I have been exploring my jewellery box again and wanted to make head bands for festivals. I got some splendid green feathers and other bits and bobs, and put this together!
If your at all interested in purchasing one, I'd love to hear from you. Each one will be unique and £5 each plus postage!
The dangling feather also unclips so this ensemblé becomes two different items, a necklace and a headband. Bit cheeky.